I am very happy to report that our trip arranged through Travel All Russia was an outstanding success. Every stage of our trip went like clockwork and we're grateful in particular to our two wonderful guides.
In Russia we had the help of a charming and well-informed companion, of the Buryat people. She was very easy company and, together with her reliable and courteous driver, made the most of our time in her care.
She saw us safely onto the Trans-Siberian train and we were met by a smiling and enthusiastic guide. She made a great impression on us both and she was an endless supply of information about her native Mongolia, of which she is justly very proud.
We really enjoyed the company of these two outstanding guides and feel we learned a great deal from them both about their respective countries.
Thanks to you and your visa team for all your efforts. We will certainly recommend you to any of our friends who may be thinking of similar trips.